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Narrative Text Worksheet: The Story of Roro Jonggrang

What's in this worksheet? A. True or False? B. Essay Questions C. Synonyms A. True or False: Based on the text , state whether each of ...

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Grammar Quiz: The Simple Past Tense VS The Present Perfect Tense

If you want to review the differences between the Simple Past and the Present Perfect tense, read Contrasting The Simple Past With The Present Perfect Tense.

Choose the correct form of the verbs. If your answer is wrong, there will be a reduction of your score, but you can continue choosing another answer until the correct one is selected. Once a correct answer is chosen, the scoring is "frozen". Your overall score will be based on the percentage of your correct and incorrect answers.


Mister Guru

A person who won’t read has no advantage over one who can’t read. – Mark Twain

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